8 Days Safari in Tanzania and Zanzibar Beach Holiday

How much does a safari in Tanzania cost?

On average, cost of a budget safari with basic accommodation starts around $200 per person per day. A mid-range safari with lodging starts from $350 to $400 per person, per day. While a luxury safari will starts over $800 per person, per day. Keep in mind that this does not include international flights, visa fees, vaccinations, travel insurance, and other incidentals. Tanzania is one of Africa’s more expensive safari destinations. By gaining insights into the safari cost in Tanzania, you can plan a memorable adventure that suits your preferences and budget.

The costings table here gives an instant overview of how much the average Tanzania safari will cost, depending on your travel style. Using this table allows you to quickly match your daily budget to the kind of Tanzania safari you can afford.

Comfort LevelPrivate (per day)Group (per day)
Budget Camping250 $ 225 $
Budget Accommodation225 $225 $
Mid Range Accommodation375 $325 $
Luxury Accommodation550 $500 $
Luxury Plus Accommodation1.000 $n/a
Rates in USD $
Excluding additional costs, such as international flights, tips and personal items

Safari cost in Tanzania

When planning a Tanzanian safari, it’s important to consider the various factors that contribute to the total cost. These include the cost of renting a safari vehicle and hiring a private guide, as well as the entrance fees for national parks. While the first two factors are generally fixed prices, you may be able to save money on entrance fees by sharing the safari vehicle with other travelers.

Keep in mind that these fees can be quite expensive, with Ngorongoro Crater charging $300 per day for a safari jeep, plus an additional $78.50 per person. Accommodation costs can also vary greatly depending on the level of luxury and exclusivity you choose. Overall, while Tanzania is known as one of the world’s best safari countries, it can also be an expensive destination, but careful planning and research can help you budget accordingly.

Safari cost in Tanzania

6 factors influencing the Safari cost in Tanzania

Whether you’re a budget-conscious traveler or seeking a luxurious experience, it’s important to consider various aspects that can affect the overall expenses. Let’s explore 6 key factors that impact the cost of a Tanzania safari, allowing you to make informed decisions and tailor your adventure to suit your preferences.

1. Length of Stay: Making the Most of Your Time

The duration of your safari plays a significant role in determining the cost. Typically, full-package safaris offer slightly cheaper per-day costs for longer stays. Additionally, hiring a jeep and driver for an extended period tends to be more cost-effective. It’s worth noting that park entry fees are charged on a 24-hour basis and do not decrease with a longer stay. However, keep an eye out for special offers from safari camps and lodges that may provide free nights after a certain number of days.

2. Level of Comfort: Finding the Perfect Accommodation

The level of comfort you desire greatly influences the overall expenses. Opting for basic camping and preparing your own meals can significantly reduce costs compared to luxurious four-star accommodations. Surprisingly, even basic lodging options in Tanzania can sometimes exceed the prices of mid-range accommodations in popular European cities. Thus, carefully consider your comfort requirements and budget when selecting accommodation.

3. Safari cost Group Size: Sharing the Adventure

The size of your group directly affects the cost per person. On fully organized safaris, having a larger group can significantly decrease expenses. However, it’s important to strike a balance, as overcrowding may compromise the quality of your safari experience. Private safaris allow you to choose your travel companions, fostering a more intimate and enjoyable journey.

4. Timing: Highs and Lows of the Safari Seasons

The timing of your Tanzania safari plays a crucial role in cost fluctuations. High season, spanning from June to September and mid-December to mid-January, attracts higher prices due to increased demand. The late February period, coinciding with the wildebeest birthing season in the southern Serengeti, is also a popular but expensive time for safaris. On the other hand, low season from March to May offers more affordable rates, with prices often up to 50% lower than high season. The months between high and low seasons, such as October to mid-December and late May to mid-June, strike a balance between cost, weather, and overall value.

5. Which parks you want to go to

Your choice of safari destinations within Tanzania can significantly impact the cost. Popular attractions like the Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, and Nyerere National Park often come with higher price tags. However, exploring lesser-known parks like Katavi, Saadani, or Arusha National Parks allows you to witness an abundance of wildlife at a more affordable cost. These hidden gems provide a win-win situation, offering diverse wildlife encounters and budget-friendly entry fees and accommodations.

6. Add-On Activities

Adding special activities to your safari, such as taking a hot-air balloon ride, can elevate your experience but also increase expenses. A hot-air balloon ride across the Serengeti offers breathtaking views but comes with a starting price of 600 $ per person.

Safari cost in Tanzania

Safari cost in Tanzania: include/exclude

A budget safari in Tanzania includes meals, transport, accommodation, game drives, park fees, an english professional driver/guide, all transportation and bottled drinking water. It will not include airport transfers, accommodation before and after your safari, local flights and any special meals and drinks that are not on the itinerary.

A mid-range safari would include airport transfers and may include some flights within Tanzania. Special meals and drinks might also be included on some days, depending on the accommodation. And safari vehicles would generally be less-crowded than on a budget safari. 

Safari cost in Zanzibar

Compared to mainland safari accommodation, Zanzibar offers much more affordable options. You can stay at our premium Class accommodation on this beautiful tropical island for only $60 per person per night. The lodge we have selected is located on the beach in one of Zanzibar’s most picturesque villages.

In conclusion, a Tanzania safari’s cost is influenced by numerous factors, providing travelers with a range of options to suit their preferences and budgets. By carefully considering the length of stay, level of comfort, location of accommodation, group size, timing, transportation, destination choice, add-on activities, extensions, and specialized interests, you can plan a safari that aligns with your desires while optimizing your budget. Embrace the adventure, explore the diverse landscapes, and create unforgettable memories in the heart of Tanzania’s wildlife-rich havens.

3 Day Lodge Tanzania Safari

Why lions do not attack tourists while on Jeep

Why lions Do Not Attack Tourists While On Jeep

Why lions do not attack tourists while on Jeep ? Explore the intriguing phenomenon of lions refraining from attacking tourists, delving into the protective sanctuary offered by Jeeps, creating a remarkable and unforgettable wildlife experience.

Why Don’t Lions Attack Tourists On Jeeps?

The likelihood of a lion attacking a tourist jeep during a game tour is incredibly low. While rare incidents have occurred in the past, this type of tour remains popular due to the predator-prey instincts that keep lions alive in the wild.

While humans are not seen as natural prey to lions, jeeps are often perceived as a threat due to their size and the number of people they can hold. Lions typically do not approach these vehicles and guides take precautions, such as asking passengers to remain still and quiet when lions are near, to ensure their safety.

The combination of these factors makes it highly unlikely for lions to attack tourists on jeeps. While it’s important to respect these powerful predators and take precautions, tourists can rest assured that they can safely observe lions in their natural habitat on a game tour.

Why Don’t Lions Attack Tourists On Jeeps?


To summarize, lions do not attack tourists on jeeps because they perceive the vehicle as a threat due to its size. This is why game drives during safaris in Tanzania are generally considered safe, even in areas where lions are present.

8 Days Safari in Tanzania and Zanzibar Beach Holiday

24 Reasons Why You Should Visit Tanzania

Welcome to the enchanting realm of Tanzania, a captivating country that promises to leave an indelible mark on your soul. Prepare to be immersed in a tapestry of breathtaking landscapes, abundant wildlife, vibrant traditions, and the warmest of welcomes. From the majestic peak of Mount Kilimanjaro to the pristine shores of Zanzibar, from the legendary Serengeti National Park to the vibrant cultural hub of Stone Town, Tanzania offers an array of experiences that will ignite your sense of wonder. Here 24 Reasons Why You Should Visit Tanzania.

  1. Tanzania has over 16 national parks and reserves for safari, making it a top destination for wildlife enthusiasts.
  2. The word “safari” actually comes from the Swahili language, which is commonly spoken in Tanzania.
  3. The Serengeti National Park in Tanzania is home to the largest migration of animals on earth, with over 1.5 million wildebeest and zebras moving in search of fresh water and food.
  4. Tanzania has the largest population of elephants in Africa, making it an excellent place to see these majestic creatures in their natural habitat.
  5. The Ngorongoro Conservation Area in Tanzania is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, known for its diverse wildlife and stunning landscapes.
  6. Tanzania is home to the Maasai people, who have a rich culture and traditional way of life that has remained largely unchanged for centuries.
  7. The Selous Game Reserve in Tanzania is one of the largest protected wildlife areas in the world, covering over 50,000 square kilometers.
  8. Tanzania is also home to some of the world’s most endangered species, including the black rhino, African wild dog, and cheetah.
  9. Many of Tanzania’s national parks and reserves are open year-round, but the best time to visit for wildlife viewing is during the dry season, from June to October.
  10. Tanzania is a popular destination for bird watching, with over 1,100 species of birds recorded in the country.
  11. The Tarangire National Park in Tanzania is known for its large herds of elephants and baobab trees, which can live for up to 2,000 years.
  12. Tanzania is one of the few places in the world where you can see the “Big Five” animals (lion, leopard, elephant, rhino, and buffalo) in their natural habitat.
  13. The Mahale Mountains National Park in Tanzania is home to some of the last remaining wild chimpanzees in the world.
  14. The Ruaha National Park in Tanzania is known for its rugged landscapes and diverse wildlife, including rare species such as the African wild dog.
  15. Tanzania is also a great place to see primates such as baboons, colobus monkeys, and vervet monkeys.
  16. The Katavi National Park in Tanzania is one of the most remote and least visited parks in the country, offering a true wilderness experience.
  17. Tanzania is home to over 120 ethnic groups, each with their own unique customs and traditions.
  18. The Mikumi National Park in Tanzania is known for its large herds of buffaloes and elephants, as well as its stunning scenery.
  19. Tanzania is also a great place to see reptiles such as crocodiles, snakes, and lizards.
  20. The Mkomazi National Park in Tanzania is home to several rare and endangered species, including the African wild dog and the black rhino.
  21. Tanzania is a leader in conservation efforts, with many national parks and reserves dedicated to protecting the country’s wildlife and natural resources.
  22. The Saadani National Park in Tanzania is unique in that it is the only national park in Africa that borders the ocean.
  23. Tanzania’s national parks and reserves offer a variety of safari experiences, from driving tours to walking safaris and hot air balloon rides.
  24. The Udzungwa Mountains National Park in Tanzania is known for its rich biodiversity and stunning waterfalls.
Africa bucket list

Best safari in Tanzania

The Best Safaris in Tanzania: A Wildlife Adventure Like No Other

Tanzania is home to some of the most breathtaking wildlife safaris in the world; and it can be hard to choose which safari to go on among all the options on offer. That’s why we’ve created this list of the top 10 safaris in Tanzania; so you can plan your trip with confidence.

1. Serengeti national park

The Serengeti national park is easily one of Africa’s best safari destinations. This great Kenyan National Park is home to a wide variety of wildlife, from giraffes and zebras to lions and elephants. The Serengeti national park is most famous for its annual migration of wildebeest, which draws huge crowds every year. In fact, it’s estimated that 2 million animals travel between Kenya and Tanzania as part of their seasonal migration.

2. Mlolo Safari Lodge

Mlolo Safari Lodge is one of the best safari lodges in Tanzania. It sits on a hillside overlooking Ngorongoro and provides stunning views from almost every angle. The staff at Mlolo is incredibly accommodating, but be prepared to splurge; prices start at about $560 per person per night for a five-night stay. If you’re looking for luxury or want to be close to a national park, Mlolo might be perfect for you! However, if you’re hoping to save money and/or stay somewhere off-the-beaten path, these other options may work better.

3. Ngorongoro Crater

This is a relatively small national park, but it’s very special. Maybe one of the best safari in Tanzania. It lies at an elevation of over 9,000 feet above sea level and experiences some of Africa’s lowest temperatures. The result is that it’s one of East Africa’s most biodiverse protected areas. During your visit to Ngorongoro Crater, you’ll likely spot elephants, gazelles, buffalo and rhinos. Plus, there are also thousands of flamingos and other water birds found here each year. If you’re visiting from December through March during a full moon, you’ll be able to see them gather on neighboring Lake Ndutu to feast on fish; it’s one of nature’s great spectacles!

4. Tarangire National Park

Of all the great safari destinations in Africa, there’s no place quite like Tarangire National Park. Located on northern Tanzania’s eastern border with Kenya; it features some of most beautiful tall-grass savannah landscapes that East Africa has to offer. The park is best known for its impressive wildlife populations and iconic elephant sightings. But birders will also love it particularly during November and December when masses of waterbirds flock to its marshy lakes and rivers. If you’re not a birder, fear not; Tarangire is still one of east Africa’s most rewarding parks thanks to spectacular scenery and fascinating cultural landscapes. The best time to visit Tarangire is during the summer season.

5. Lake Manyara National Park

Lake Manyara National Park is known for its tree climbing lions, endangered rhinos and hippos. The park is in northern Tanzania and covers over 30,000 acres. It’s popular with tourists looking to see wildlife up close and enjoy a bit of nature too. One of Manyara’s most prominent features is Lake Manyara itself. The lake attracts many birds and water-loving animals, including flamingos, which nest along its shores each year. Other animal inhabitants include elephants, giraffes and impalas. Manyara has four campsites where visitors can stay on their trip to Lake Manyara National Park; they range from luxury options to tent sites at various price points depending on what you’re looking for.

6. Mount Kilimanjaro

If you’re looking for a true safari adventure, look no further than Mount Kilimanjaro. At 5,895 meters (19,341 feet), it is Africa’s highest peak and probably its most stunning sight as well. There are plenty of different routes up to Uhuru Peak (5,895 meters or 19,341 feet), including Marangu Route and Machame Route. You can climb up on your own or with a guide—although make sure to bring lots of water with you because there’s nowhere to resupply on your way up. It offers a stunning view of a sunrise on the rooftop of Africa.

7. Olduvai Gorge

One of Africa’s richest archeological sites; Olduvai Gorge is located in northern Tanzania and gives visitors a glimpse into the early history of man. It has been called one of the most significant paleoanthropological sites in existence; and it is thought that over 70% of all hominid fossils discovered worldwide were unearthed here. At Olduvai Gorge you can walk through 500 million years of history, seeing where our ancestors first evolved and how they lived millions of years ago. It is also home to many plant species that have disappeared from other parts of Africa. Perhaps most interesting though is how much evidence there is to suggest that climate change may have led humans out of Africa toward cooler areas with less rainfall, eventually leading them all over Europe and Asia.

8. Singita Grumeti Reserves

Rubondo Island Camp & Retreat Center is not your typical safari destination. Instead of seeking out game, you’ll be relaxing on your own island paradise. There are no roads to Rubondo—just a pristine lagoon and a 700-hectare (1,750-acre) private reserve that’s home to roughly 80 animals, including lions, hippos and crocodiles. Water activities include snorkeling, kayaking and fishing; there’s also an option for a guided tour of nearby Mahale Mountains National Park on Rubondo Island Camp’s stately dhows (ancient Arab sailing vessels). Overnight guests get complimentary use of kayaks and boogie boards as well as one free hour of snorkeling per day.

9. Rubondo Island Camp & Retreat Center

Rubondo Island Camp & Retreat Center (RICC) is a remote bush camp near Rubondo Island, north of Lake Victoria. The camp specializes in safari-style accommodations; day and night game drives, mokoro excursions (dugout canoes), cultural visits to nearby villages, open water swimming and boating on Lake Victoria. With only 12 thatched chalets set on stilts above a rock outcrop next to Victoria Nyanza (the lake), RICC is one of Africa’s most exclusive camps. When you visit RICC, you will have access to more than 16 miles of trails through pristine African bush bordering two lakes.

10. Ruaha National Park

Discover the untouched beauty of Ruaha National Park, a hidden gem in southern Tanzania. This vast wilderness is home to a diverse range of wildlife, including lions, leopards, elephants, and rare antelope species. With its rugged terrain and scenic landscapes, Ruaha offers a sense of solitude and tranquility that is unmatched. Explore the park on a game drive or opt for a guided walking safari to truly immerse yourself in its unspoiled splendor.

11. Selous Game Reserve

For those seeking a more remote and off-the-beaten-path safari adventure, the Selous Game Reserve is the perfect destination. Spanning over 50,000 square kilometers, it is the largest game reserve in Africa and offers a unique wilderness experience. Embark on a boat safari along the Rufiji River, where crocodiles and hippos bask in the sun, or venture on a walking safari to encounter wildlife up close and personal. The Selous Game Reserve is a haven for intrepid explorers.

Africa bucket list

Best time for a safari in Tanzania

When is the Best time for a Safari in Tanzania?

If you’re planning a safari in Tanzania, the best time for a Safari in Tanzania is during the dry season, which usually lasts from late June to October. Tanzania has two distinct rainy seasons, the ‘long rains’ from April to May and the ‘short rains’ from November to December. During the long rains, there can be heavy tropical downpours in the afternoons which may cause some safari camps to close. The short rains usually bring only brief showers.

Tanzania’s safari areas typically experience warm days and cool evenings year-round, with the exception of Mount Kilimanjaro and Mount Meru, where temperatures can drop below freezing. Meanwhile, the country’s coastal and lakeside regions tend to be hot and humid.

If you’re a first-time safari-goer, the dry season is generally the best time to visit Tanzania as wildlife is easier to spot and track. That being said, the ideal time to visit will depend on your interests and where you want to go. Understanding the difference between Tanzania’s safari high season and low season can help you plan your trip accordingly.

Month by Month Guide for a Safari in Tanzania:

The weather is generally hot and dry, and it’s a great time to see wildlife in the southern and western parks of Tanzania, including Serengeti, Ngorongoro, and Selous. It’s also a good time for bird watching.

It’s still hot and dry in most of Tanzania, and it’s a great time to see the wildebeest migration in the Serengeti.

The weather starts to cool down, and there might be some rain, especially in the northern parks like Tarangire and Arusha. It’s still a great time to see the wildebeest migration in the Serengeti.

The long rains begin in Tanzania, and most parks become inaccessible due to muddy roads. However, this is a great time to visit the southern parks like Selous and Ruaha, which remain accessible and have great bird watching opportunities.

The rains continue, and most parks are still inaccessible. However, the green season is a great time for bird watching, and you can see many migratory birds in the northern parks like Lake Manyara.

The weather starts to dry up, and the wildebeest migration starts moving towards the western corridor of the Serengeti. It’s a great time to see the migration, as well as predators like lions and leopards.

The weather is dry, and the wildebeest migration is in full swing in the Serengeti. It’s also a great time to see other wildlife, like elephants and giraffes.

The weather is still dry, and the wildebeest migration is still in the western corridor of the Serengeti. It’s a great time to see predators like lions, cheetahs, and hyenas.

The weather starts to warm up, and the wildebeest migration starts moving towards the northern Serengeti and Masai Mara. It’s a great time to see river crossings and predators like crocodiles

The weather is warm and dry, and the wildebeest migration is still in the northern Serengeti and Masai Mara. It’s a great time to see predators like lions and leopards.

The short rains start in Tanzania, and the wildebeest migration starts moving towards the southern Serengeti. It’s a great time to see newborn animals like zebras and gazelles.

The weather is warm and wet, and the wildebeest migration is in the southern Serengeti. It’s also a great time to see predators like lions and cheetahs. However, some parks may be inaccessible due to the rains.

There are numerous factors to consider when planning your safari in Tanzania, but one of the most important things to keep in mind is the best time to visit. Wildlife viewing opportunities are optimal during different seasons, depending on where you plan to stay and what you want to see on your vacation. To ensure that you make the most of your time in Tanzania, read on to learn more about the best time for a safari in Tanzania.

Dry Season: Pros and Cons

✓ Favourable weather

✓ Abundance of Wildlife

✓ Scenery looks like many images of Africa; vast, dry grasslands and animals around watering holes

✓ Holiday Seasons, and when most visitors have time-off

✓ Good weather for an evening swim in the swimming pool at your hotel/lodge

✓ Suggested time for a family vacation or honeymoon

✓ Popular tourist time

✖︎ Parks may feel more crowded/busy

✖︎ Accommodations are full-price (no discounts)

✖︎ The end of the dry season may be dusty – bring a bandana or handkerchief to help.

Rainy Season: Pros and Cons

✓ See Africa in a new way! Tropical climate with green forests and active animals

✓ Photographers especially enjoy capturing wildlife during the rainy season, and the contrast of colors looks amazing.

✓ Guests may receive low-season discounts

✓ Parks are not crowded and guests feel they are on a private adventure

✖︎ Some park roads may be inaccessible

✖︎ Likely to experience some wet days – but it does not rain all day and typically there is significant sun at some point each day

✖︎ Bring a rain jacket and shoes that are water resistant for your comfort

✖︎ In some parks the animals are more dispersed during the rainy season

When to See the Wildebeest Migration in the Serengeti

The wildebeest migration is an incredible natural phenomenon that takes place in the Serengeti ecosystem of Tanzania and Kenya every year. The exact timing of the migration can vary depending on the rainfall patterns and other environmental factors, but generally, the best time to see the wildebeest migration in the Serengeti is from July to October.

During this time, the wildebeest are usually crossing the Grumeti and Mara rivers, which can be a spectacular sight. The migration also provides opportunities to see predators such as lions, leopards, and cheetahs preying on the migrating herds.

Check out our article about the best time to view the migration safari.

Safari in Tanzania

Best time to visit the great migration safari

The Great Migration is one of the most spectacular wildlife events in the world, and it happens every year in Tanzania. Millions of wildebeest, zebras, and other grazing animals move from the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya and back again, in search of fresh grazing land and water.

Witnessing the Great Migration is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that should not be missed on your Tanzania safari. Here are some tips to help you plan your trip:

  1. Timing: The Great Migration takes place year-round, but the best time to witness it is from July to October, when the animals are crossing the Mara River. This is also the dry season, so it’s a great time for wildlife viewing in general.
  2. Location: The Great Migration covers a vast area, so it’s important to choose the right location to witness it. The northern Serengeti is the best place to see the river crossings, while the southern Serengeti is a great place to witness the calving season in February and March.
  3. Accommodations: There are a variety of accommodations available for witnessing the Great Migration, ranging from luxury lodges to mobile camps. It’s important to book your accommodations well in advance, especially during peak season.
  4. Safari activities: In addition to witnessing the Great Migration, there are a variety of other safari activities you can enjoy in Tanzania, such as game drives, walking safaris, and hot air balloon rides.
  5. Responsible tourism: It’s important to choose a responsible tour operator that follows ethical and sustainable practices, and to respect the wildlife and environment while on safari.

With these tips in mind, you can plan a once-in-a-lifetime Tanzania safari experience and witness the spectacular Great Migration for yourself.

The best time to see the Great Migration safari each month

The Great Migration safari is a natural spectacle that takes place year-round, as the herds of wildebeest, zebras, and other animals traverse vast distances in search of food and water. Depending on your preferences and the specific aspects of the migration that you want to witness, there are certain times of the year that may be better suited for your safari. With four distinct seasons, each with its own unique highlights, there’s always something incredible to see.

To help you plan your journey, we’ve put together a month-by-month breakdown of the Great Migration. Whether you want to witness the breathtaking river crossings or the newborn calves taking their first steps, there are countless unforgettable moments waiting for you in the Serengeti. So whether you choose to visit during the calving season in the south or follow the herds as they make their way north, get ready for an experience you’ll never forget.

the Great Migration Safari
the Great Migration Safari

The Great Migration safari seasons

Witnessing the Great Migration is an awe-inspiring experience that can be enjoyed throughout the year. While historical migration patterns can provide some indication of where the herds may be at a given time, the unpredictability of rainfall – which is crucial for the growth of the grasses that the wildebeest rely on – means that the herds’ movements can be somewhat unpredictable.

At Asilia, our camps are situated along the migration route, which affords our guests the best possible opportunity to observe this natural spectacle up close during their safari. Whether you’re hoping to witness the mass calving of over 500,000 wildebeest in the southern Serengeti during the months of January through March, or catch a glimpse of the herds as they cross the Mara River during the dry season, our expert guides will help ensure that your experience of the Great Migration is both unforgettable and informed.

Learn more below about the different season of the Great Migration: 

January – March :great migration

During January to March, the Great Migration continues with the herds congregating in the southern Serengeti and the westernmost regions of the Ngorongoro Conservation Area. This is the calving season, where an estimated 500,000 calves are born within a two- to three-week window in February. The southern plains are lush with fresh, sweet grasses during December and January, providing abundant grazing for the wildebeest in preparation for the birth of the new calves. In February, over 80% of fertile female wildebeest drop their calves within a few weeks of each other, resulting in over 500,000 tiny wildebeest dotting the plains. This draws a staggering number of predators eager to prey on the vulnerable newborns. In March, the wildebeest are still occupying the southern area of the park, but they start preparing to move north as the plains dry out.

April to mid-June: season of the trek north

As the rainy season draws to a close, the Great Migration sets out on its journey northwards towards the central Serengeti, where lush green grass awaits them. The wildebeest move slowly, stopping to graze and nurture their young along the way. The mating season also begins, as male wildebeest battle fiercely for a mate. The journey continues as some herds veer westwards, crossing the Grumeti River and entering the Western Corridor.

In April, the migration is in full swing, as the herds make their way steadily through the central region of the park, with occasional stops to graze. By May, the impressive columns of wildebeest, stretching for several kilometers, can be seen flooding the Moru Kopjes in the central area. In the first half of June, large numbers of wildebeest congregate on the southern banks of the Grumeti River in the Western Serengeti, gearing up to face their first obstacle – crossing the treacherous river, teeming with crocodiles.

Mid-June to November: Great Migration River Crossing Season

As the dry season approaches, the Great Migration gains momentum and the herds start their journey north towards the Northern Serengeti and Kenya’s Masai Mara. The highly-anticipated river crossings, considered the most thrilling event of the migration, usually begin in July but the exact timing is influenced by the unpredictable rains.

In the Northern Serengeti and Masai Mara, massive herds of wildebeest can be found on a daily basis, making dramatic river crossings at the Mara and Talek rivers. Later in the year, the herds will cross back to the Serengeti from the Mara and head south towards the now fertile southern Serengeti. The herds can travel vast distances in a single day, and by early December, they start returning to Ndutu to calve, marking the beginning of the whole migration cycle once again.

August is a crucial month for the wildebeest, as they face the second challenge of their trek: the Great Mara River. Many will perish, but the thousands of calves that are born more than make up for the losses. In September, the herds concentrate mostly in the Maasai Mara, the northernmost point of their journey, but many remain in the Serengeti. By October, the wildebeest must face the swollen waters of the Mara River again as they cross on their journey back south. November brings the short rains, driving the herds down south to the lush grasses of the Serengeti, completing the yearly cycle of the Great Migration.

If you are in to a safari in Tanzania, find out here our best selection of safaris expeditions.